Hey, this is Frank! In fact I don’t know his name. But he is a very good scientist, working at some bioengineering laboratory in… well, in space. On an asteroïd. Yes. That’s it. I will explain everything, just later.
He (we assume Frank) is part of my end-of-year project (which is coming next).
The high poly model was done entirely in Zbrush (including the high frequencies of the organic).

It was the first time I worked hard surfaces in Zbrush.

I did a retopo in 3D-Coat, then I exported to Maya to tweak the UVs, skinned the model onto an existing rig, and some other adjustments. The final low poly model counts about 30k tris.

I did some vertex painting in Zbrush to bake the colors into an ID map in xNormal, along with a first Normal map, AO and Curvature before importing everything in Substance Painter to finish the texturing.

Then I integrated Frank in Unreal, tweaked the shaders and made him use his legs a little bit.

Making a humanoid reptilian Character was part of the original request. I didn’t want to go for a feroce space tyrex in steel armor with a lasergun, I went for a … let say a peaceful scientist thinking of his own place in the universe when he raises his look towards the cosmic space the eyes full of wonders…
References for the safety suit:

See this on my ArtStation